Amazing Art in Mayfair

Mayfair is an area I am quite attached to. It is the area where I based my project walk whilst studying to become a guide and as luck would have it our exam walk was also based there. Last Friday afternoon I was travelling between Trafalgar Square and Marble Arch....

Beating the Strike

Discovering that my latest Mayfair walk was on the date of the planned tube strike was not going to force me to cancel it.  I had 17 people booked and my thinking was that people would delay their journey home and thus come on my walk.  My thinking was...

A Walk in the Rain

It had to happen sooner or later; last Thursday night was my first walk in the pouring rain.  The literary walk around Mayfair for my book group had been arranged months in advance.  9 people turned up despite the weather and they were still smiling at the...

A Walk in the Sunshine

As everyone who lives in the UK knows British weather is unpredictable to say the least.  Forecasts are likely to change slightly or completely.  Even so as soon as the 5 day forecast was available before my walk on 17 January I was on line looking it...